Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Déjà vu? I don’t think so. Coming to think of dreams being similar to what happens in our real life is just an explanation to our sub conscious but when we think of something while we sleep is not always a dream. Hard to get? Why do I keep on thinking about you the audience while am writing at the same time, because my brain is not something I control but at the same time am choosing you to be reading this and that  is something I can control. Sometimes you are told to write and let it out what you can’t do the normal way because you yourself incorporate another identity and knowing what you know is not always called sharing it with your own self. We human beings are complex creations being better than all other but the most complicated ones. As I speak of it I tend to imagine myself being filled with so many feeling. Feeling? Just a description to an emotion that we experience. You must be wondering where I am getting at with all this. Nowhere and I don’t want to conclude. Drawing conclusion is just another easy way out of what you think and it’s never negative because we control our decisions and mend them according to our needs. When our needs become more than we can get we strive to fulfill those needs thinking that we need them but most of the time we don’t because the basic needs are the fundamentals required to live not to fulfill our destiny but a desire that starts with the day you are born and ends with your death and death is something that you can control. If we knew how and when we are going to die we would chose to be dead before that when we could have done some things like saying goodbye or apologies that we believed that we owe to other people when we had lived. Is this getting complicated? Why? It is you who is reading and I don’t intend to draw a conclusion but just a waste of time. I succeeded in telling you what you feel and you were interested to know what I wrote and so you read up till here but now you will let go of it instantly thinking that I was joking and forget all about this. Life is simpler than you think, stop wasting it and Just do it! (nike)